Helium headspace oxygen analyzers are used in numerous applications, from testing sealed packages or hermetically-sealed devices like pacemakers to testing complex equipment such as nuclear power reactor canisters. Helium leak detection can also be used to locate the source of a leak in many applications. In addition to its use as a tracer gas, helium is non-toxic, chemically inert and present in the atmosphere only in minute quantities (5 ppm). These characteristics make helium ideal for detecting small leaks quickly and accurately without sacrificing test accuracy.

Tekman has several different types of helium leak detectors to fit the needs of your application, including the Panther Series and the Outdoor/Underground Leak Detector series. Both are portable, battery-operated and have a digital display that shows the leak rate in ppm.

Ensuring Safety: The Importance of Headspace Oxygen Analyzers

A helium leak detector is essentially a sector field mass spectrometer with a specialized analyzer for separating the helium tracer gas from other gases in the analyzer tube. The helium ions pass through the analyzer and are separated based on their mass-to-charge ratio in a magnetic field. The mass-to-charge separation translates into an electrical current, which is converted to a signal that is displayed on the unit’s screen.

The sensitivity of a helium leak detector is dependent on several factors, such as the vacuum system, which should be optimized to reduce cycle times and increase sensitivity. Ensure your helium leak detector is set to the correct sensitivity by utilizing the internal calibration feature.

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